Thursday, February 8, 2007

Encounters with Chris Ware: part one

SARAH BAKER to chrisware

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9:24 am (4 hours ago)

Dear Chris: My name is Sarah Baker and I am the arts writer for the Omaha Reader. I'm doing a story about your show opening at the Sheldon in Lincoln. My deadline is next Monday. Dan Siedell provided me with your email address.

I know you generally do email interviews, and I wanted to write and see if it would be ok if I sent you a number of questions later this morning. Let me know at your earliest convenience.

Thank you in advance --


Chris Ware to me

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12:04 pm (1 hour ago)

Dear Ms. Baker,

I'm happy to do an email interview for your publication by Monday, of course. If you send me five questions I'll do my best to email you some sort of answers which you can use as you see fit, or just discard altogether. My many thanks again for your kind interest, and I wish you the very best!


Chris W.

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