Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Link time..

Tomorrow, I'll post some photos from Pittsburgh. I've already seen a bunch of things I want to photograph (if you can call my snapshot massacres "photographs.") So like I said, look for those tomorrow and for the rest of the week.

Meantime, I'm sitting in a hotel room and figure some links might be in order. They all relate to, of course, Pittsburgh.

My friend Julie is focing me to check out a place called Pittsburgh Jeans Co. which offers a virtual treasure trove of denim and free alterations. I'll have a hard time resisting. Meantime, we can all check out the fall 2008 clothing designs Damien Hirst created for Levis, via NY magazine's blog The Cut. They include his trademark spin paintings done on jeans, and one pair covered with crystal skulls. I doubt I'll see these at the Jean Co., but I still enjoy them.

While perusing ArtForum, I found this ridiculous video of Andy Warhol doing a cameo on the Love Boat. I found it appropriate since I'll be at the Warhol Museum on Friday night.

And though it doesn't necessarily relate to Pittsburgh, if you're not on twitter yet, you should be. It was a topic of discussion at one of the seminars I attended today. It's like Facebook "status" that can be updated all the time and you can find, and follow, some pretty interesting people to see what they're doing. Even cuter, the updates are called "tweets." It breaks the bounds of a site like Facebook and lets everyone know what you're doing, no matter what. If you want to follow me I'm under my predictable user name, boomsbaker. I'll follow you, too.

I'm in my hotel room watching "Oceans 13," a movie that makes Las Vegas look very glam. It makes Clooney and Pitt look hot too, though I don't believe that to be a trick of any camera.

Ok. signing off.

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