Monday, June 23, 2008

My new banner

So when the three people who read my blog didn't respond to my call for a pretty banner, I decided to seek one out on my own. The new photo you see in the banner above is taken by my friend, the lovely and talented Alyssa Schukar. She was kind enough to send me a bunch of her photographs and let me choose one that I thought fit my blog. Visit her blog, F Stop Go!, and also her mighty professional photography site,

Not only is Alyssa a fine photographer, she's also the creator of a mean vegetable curry, which she's promised to teach me how to make sometime before 2009.

I posted a few of the other images Alyssa gave me to choose from. See, I told you she's talented. (Click on each image for a larger view.)


melanie.feyerherm said...

I love the banner. That Schukar is one talented photo taker. Also, your blog is on my Google Reader. I'm a fan!

alyssa schukar said...

thanks to both of you for the kind words!

the blog is also added to my google reader, and i'm looking forward to future posts. hooray!