Monday, July 14, 2008

Art this weekend

Hello, my three devoted subscribers.

Sorry I've been awol. Big stuff happening outside of the blogosphere in the past week. None of it has to do with art though, so I won't bore you with the details. I'm already looking ahead to this weekend.

My friend Alice Kim, who has a great accessories store in Omaha's Old Market called Trocadero, is playing host along with the Bemis Underground to the MUNNY Party, taking place this Saturday night. I have to say I'm a bit of an imbesil when it comes to the whole fad of Kid Robot and MUNNY dolls, but after a quick tutorial, I got the gist. I stopped into Trocadero and checked out some of the Kid Robot merch for myself, and I have to say, there's a certian appeal to a tiny piece of plastic bacon smoking a ciagarette. (And I think I pretty much need a cute Kid Robot keychain.)

Anyhow, Alice and the BU have pulled together a group of Omaha artists to each design a Munny doll, which will be on exhibit (and for sale, with proceeds benefitting the Nebraska AIDS Project) Saturday night. Check it out. If nothing else, it'll be interesting. The poster for the show, pictured at left, lists all the participating artists. And, like so many of Omaha's cool art events, it's 100 percent free.

Lincoln artist Jake Gillespie is saying farwell to Nebraska to pursue graduate school. His big going-away art show/party took place last weekend, and I wasn't able to make it, but I wish him all the best. I have a few great pieces of his work in my home and couldn't live without them. (At least I couldn't live an artful life without them.) Natalie Linstrom wrote a nice piece about Jake and his work, and it'll be in the Reader next week. Check it out, too.

I'm finally recovering from my travels, which kept me out of town for the whole month of June, and settling back in to my normal life in Omaha. I love traveling, but I have to say: it's nice to be home.

Hope to see you around somewhere artsy this weekend.


Anonymous said...

Spelling, please, re: your friend Alice's store! Geez mon!

Sarah Baker said...

Link and spelling fixed with a dose of chagrin! I clearly need a copy editor. Want a job, "anonymous?" :)

Anonymous said...

Sure do! You'll never be able to find me, though. :-)

Love the blog!