Thursday, July 17, 2008

On e-newsletters

I just finished going through some emails and read the latest issue of Artkrush, a bi-weekly arts email newsletter put out by the fine people at Flavorpill. If you like/love/practice art, you should subscribe to this well written, thought provoking, relevant web-magazine.

(If you're also a fashionista, I recommend subsrcibing to Flavorpill's JC Report, which is similiar to Artkrush but covers the fashion world. I subscribe to both and they're equally well done.)

Artkrush led me to this review from the New York Times, beautifully written by Holland Cotter, of the Louise Bourgeois retrospective at the Guggenheim. I blogged about the show already in the New York posts from when I was in the city earlier this month. This review made me wish I could see this show again.

Ok. Carry on.

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