Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Tomorrow night, David Matysiak will premiere his "Telephono" Project. (read about it here if you're unfamiliar.) The listening and album release party starts at 8 p.m. in the Bemis Underground. Matysiak's limited edition box set of five vinyl records archive the Telephono project, which includes contributions from musicians worldwide. The participants altered Matysiak's recordings before passing them on to another artist. I've never heard this type of "transformative" music project and I'm excited to check it out. Omaha video artist Jadon Ulrich will create some live visuals on site tomorrow night. The Telephono project has gotten some big time press -- it's been in both USA Today and on NPR. The party, of course, is free.

I just finished putting together the list of story assignments for the August issues of The Reader, and summer's art scene is in full bloom. There's some great stories on the docket, and the paper is free every week, so I hope you pick it up.
One other thing: last week I made mention of this blog at the end of my column, Mixed Media, in the paper. If you came to the site via the Reader, please let me know! I am curious if anyone saw that and took the time to visit. You can either leave me a comment or send me an email at
See you soon.

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