Sunday, June 22, 2008


thanks to the *three* people who have subscribed to my blog. I hope you are reading and enjoying. Leave a comment if you are one of them.

Now on to some other stuff.

I'm not in Pittsburgh any more, but I'm not home yet, either. I'm in Bismarck, North Dakota until Wednesday. I spent last night with friends at a restaurant called Bistro that was great: good company and good food never dissapoint. I can't say tonight was as swell: without a car I was forced to eat at Applebee's. It was not good. Now I'm back at my hotel room watching a rerun of "Ghostbusters" on VH1. I honestly think the last time I watched this movie was around the same time I went to an Applebee's: around (or before) 1996.

Maybe I should include some art stuff in this post. Bismarck isn't a bad city and I think I might have the hotel van take me downtown before I leave: the state capital building is supposed to be neat, and they have enough galleries here to advertise a "gallery crawl," so I'll check it out.

If you want to read about some of the art highlights from Pittsburgh, check out The Reader next week. I wrote about it in my new column, Mixed Media.

Also, this week I wrote the cover story, on artist Steve Joy. Check it all out and let me know what you think in the comments.

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