Thursday, October 16, 2008

Impressive stuff from the Lincoln Arts Council

I wrote a column in the Reader two weeks ago about how a bunch of local artists, galleries and museums are embracing the podcast. Now, the Lincoln Arts Council is doing a pretty impressive job of embracing the whole "Web 2.0" thing and I thought I'd share their good work.

Check out the LAC Facebook page and become a fan. You'll get event notifications and help spread the word about all the good stuff the LAC does. If you're Twittering (something I've tried and that has, thus far, failed to keep my interest - but that's another blog post) you can now follow the LAC's tweets at The LAC has a Flickr photostream where the group uploads images of their most recent projects.

If you want it all (and a few more things, like email archives and the ability to submit events online) get it all here.

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