Monday, June 30, 2008

Technological Difficulties

I've killed two laptop computers in the span of one week. Technically, one was murdered and one committed suicide. Northwest Airlines crunched my Dell, used for work stuff mostly, to bits in my gate checked carry on bag. About an hour ago, my old junker of a personal computer blue screened, signaling a hard drive crash, as I tried to edit a Reader story. This is how I feel:
I'll tote my work computer to my office tomorrow where, hopefully, my friend in technical support will transplant my precious hard drive into a machine without a screen smashed into a million pieces. Before that, I'll drop my old junker off with my dad, who thinks he can salvage it.

Meanwhile, in more positive technology news, I have opened the comments section on the blog to let anyone leave their thoughts, not just those with a google or blogger account. (Thanks to my friend Brad for the tip.)

I'm praying this technological plague doesn't hit my beloved Blackberry.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, I'm afraid I don't have anything to say.

But I'd like to be the first person to leave a comment on this new anonymizing blog! (What a smarty to have thought of that idea.)