Tuesday, August 26, 2008


So I apologize for the lack of posting recently. I've been traveling again - currently, I'm in Bonita Springs, Florida, for a conference for my day job. I haven't seen much art here - honestly, all I've seen is bad resort hotel art. But I did get to visit a cool place the night before last: the Edison Ford Winter Estate. Both Thomas Edison and Henry Ford lived in Edison's compound here in South Florida, and now it's a historic landmark. I have to say the coolest part was seeing Edison's untouched lab where he spent years trying to invent an alternative to rubber. It was truly amazing. Sadly, I left my camera in Omaha, so I don't have any of my own images. (The official photographer for the conference I'm attending did take my photo in front of an old Model T, so when he emails it to me, I might post it. If I look presentable, that is.)

I get home tomorrow and hopefully will have another post for you to read this weekend. Until then, happy Tuesday.


Anonymous said...

I certainly hope you were sent here looking for art. :)

They should have at least sent you during "sand castle competition week".

Sarah Baker said...

Sadly, I wasn't there to look at art. I work in the tourism industry and was there for a conference. I can't complain too loud - I got in a fair amount of pool sitting.